I’m reading Debbie Weil’s The Corporate Blogging Book. Like so many other Social Media books, it contains ideas, strategies and technics I currently use or are familiar with. I don’t mind reading these rehashes of best practices and case studies. It’s good to hear the same thing from different authors and experts. I mean, if Seth Godin, David Meerman Scott and Lee Odden all cover the same concepts from their unique perspective, it has to be good advice. In many cases, I’ve prooven the same concept applied to my own clients.
Ah, but there’s always new material from these authors. Sometimes it’s a new twist on an established concept. Other times it’s revolutionary new technology, like Twitter was just a few years ago. It might be a mash-up of two media platforms or companies or a new way to use something that’s been around awhile.
Now, back to what I learned from this blogging book.
Debbie Weil quotes Doc Searls (co-author of Cluetrain Manifesto) as saying you should consider you blog writing style the same as writing an email message to a friend or family member. He calls it the “Dear Mom” test. Just imagine you are writing for your mother to read; relaxed, conversational and personal.
I tell my clients to be authentic, be yourself, and forget the marketing mumbo-jumbo.
I highly recommend The Corporate Blogging book. It’s filled with insights and ideas that any Social Marketer can use. Oh, and if you haven’t read Cluetrain Manifesto, put it on your list.