Monica Ricci, Professional Organizer

Keeping it simple is the key to successful organization and productivity


I met Monica Ricci in October, 2010 at Blogworld and the New Media Expo, on in the front row at the all day ProBlogger sessions put on by Darren Rowse and Chris Garret. I was there to learn how to support my client’s blogging efforts, she was there to advance her knowledge of blogging, a skill she uses quite well to promote Catalyst Organizing, her professional organizing consulting company. I told her about the podcast series I was planning and she agreed to submit to an interview once I got it started.

In this interview, conducted via Skype, she outlines her path from working for 21 in the hospitality business to building and running a successful business as a professional organization specialist and speaker. To prepare for this interview I checked out Monica’s website, Facebook account and use of video. We closed out the show with a survey of these online tools she uses so effectively.

Check out Monica Ricci’s website,  blog and on Twitter and Facebook.

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